Technical, Data Analytics

Course 4: Process Data from Dirty to Clean, Module 2: Clean it up

What is dirty data?

Earlier, we discussed that dirty data is data that is incomplete, incorrect, or irrelevant to the problem you are trying to solve.  This section summarizes:

  • Types of dirty data you may encounter
  • What may have caused the data to become dirty
  • How dirty data is harmful to businesses

Types of dirty data

Duplicate data

DescriptionPossible causesPotential harm to businesses
Any data record that shows up more than onceManual data entry, batch data imports, or data migrationSkewed metrics or analyses, inflated or inaccurate counts or predictions, or confusion during data retrieval

Outdated data

DescriptionPossible causesPotential harm to businesses
Any data that is old which should be replaced with newer and more accurate informationPeople changing roles or companies, or software and systems becoming obsoleteInaccurate insights, decision-making, and analytics

Incomplete data

DescriptionPossible causesPotential harm to businesses
Any data that is missing important fieldsImproper data collection or incorrect data entryDecreased productivity, inaccurate insights, or inability to complete essential services

Incorrect/inaccurate data

DescriptionPossible causesPotential harm to businesses
Any data that is complete but inaccurateHuman error inserted during data input, fake information, or mock dataInaccurate insights or decision-making based on bad information, resulting in revenue loss

Inconsistent data

DescriptionPossible causesPotential harm to businesses
Any data that uses different formats to represent the same thingData stored incorrectly or errors inserted during data transferContradictory data points leading to confusion or inability to classify or segment customers

Business impact of dirty data

For further reading on the business impact of dirty data, enter the term “dirty data” into your preferred browser’s search bar to bring up numerous articles on the topic. Here are a few impacts cited for certain industries from a previous search:

  • Banking: Inaccuracies cost companies between 15% and 25% of revenue (source).
  • Digital commerce: Up to 25% of B2B database contacts contain inaccuracies (source).
  • Marketing and sales: 99% of companies are actively tackling data quality in some way (source).
  • Healthcare: Duplicate records can be 10% and even up to 20% of a hospital’s electronic health records (source).

Dirty data includes duplicate data, outdated data, incomplete data, incorrect or inaccurate data, and inconsistent data. Each type of dirty data can have a significant impact on analyses, leading to inaccurate insights, poor decision-making, and revenue loss. There are a number of causes of dirty data, including manual data entry errors, batch data imports, data migration, software obsolescence, improper data collection, and human errors during data input. As a data professional, you can take steps to mitigate the impact of dirty data by implementing effective data quality processes.

Common mistakes to avoid

  • Not checking for spelling errors: Misspellings can be as simple as typing or input errors. Most of the time the wrong spelling or common grammatical errors can be detected, but it gets harder with things like names or addresses. For example, if you are working with a spreadsheet table of customer data, you might come across a customer named “John” whose name has been input incorrectly as “Jon” in some places. The spreadsheet’s spellcheck probably won’t flag this, so if you don’t double-check for spelling errors and catch this, your analysis will have mistakes in it. 
  • Forgetting to document errors: Documenting your errors can be a big time saver, as it helps you avoid those errors in the future by showing you how you resolved them. For example, you might find an error in a formula in your spreadsheet. You discover that some of the dates in one of your columns haven’t been formatted correctly. If you make a note of this fix, you can reference it the next time your formula is broken, and get a head start on troubleshooting. Documenting your errors also helps you keep track of changes in your work, so that you can backtrack if a fix didn’t work. 
  • Not checking for misfielded values: A misfielded value happens when the values are entered into the wrong field. These values might still be formatted correctly, which makes them harder to catch if you aren’t careful. For example, you might have a dataset with columns for cities and countries. These are the same type of data, so they are easy to mix up. But if you were trying to find all of the instances of Spain in the country column, and Spain had mistakenly been entered into the city column, you would miss key data points. Making sure your data has been entered correctly is key to accurate, complete analysis. 
  • Overlooking missing values: Missing values in your dataset can create errors and give you inaccurate conclusions. For example, if you were trying to get the total number of sales from the last three months, but a week of transactions were missing, your calculations would be inaccurate.  As a best practice, try to keep your data as clean as possible by maintaining completeness and consistency.
  • Only looking at a subset of the data: It is important to think about all of the relevant data when you are cleaning. This helps make sure you understand the whole story the data is telling, and that you are paying attention to all possible errors. For example, if you are working with data about bird migration patterns from different sources, but you only clean one source, you might not realize that some of the data is being repeated. This will cause problems in your analysis later on. If you want to avoid common errors like duplicates, each field of your data requires equal attention.
  • Losing track of business objectives: When you are cleaning data, you might make new and interesting discoveries about your dataset– but you don’t want those discoveries to distract you from the task at hand. For example, if you were working with weather data to find the average number of rainy days in your city, you might notice some interesting patterns about snowfall, too. That is really interesting, but it isn’t related to the question you are trying to answer right now. Being curious is great! But try not to let it distract you from the task at hand.  
  • Not fixing the source of the error: Fixing the error itself is important. But if that error is actually part of a bigger problem, you need to find the source of the issue. Otherwise, you will have to keep fixing that same error over and over again. For example, imagine you have a team spreadsheet that tracks everyone’s progress. The table keeps breaking because different people are entering different values. You can keep fixing all of these problems one by one, or you can set up your table to streamline data entry so everyone is on the same page. Addressing the source of the errors in your data will save you a lot of time in the long run. 
  • Not analysing the system prior to data cleaning: If we want to clean our data and avoid future errors, we need to understand the root cause of your dirty data. Imagine you are an auto mechanic. You would find the cause of the problem before you started fixing the car, right? The same goes for data. First, you figure out where the errors come from. Maybe it is from a data entry error, not setting up a spell check, lack of formats, or from duplicates. Then, once you understand where bad data comes from, you can control it and keep your data clean.
  • Not backing up your data prior to data cleaning: It is always good to be proactive and create your data backup before you start your data clean-up. If your program crashes, or if your changes cause a problem in your dataset, you can always go back to the saved version and restore it. The simple procedure of backing up your data can save you hours of work– and most importantly, a headache. 
  • Not accounting for data cleaning in your deadlines/process: All good things take time, and that includes data cleaning. It is important to keep that in mind when going through your process and looking at your deadlines. When you set aside time for data cleaning, it helps you get a more accurate estimate for ETAs for stakeholders, and can help you know when to request an adjusted ETA. 

Additional resources

Refer to these “top ten” lists for data cleaning in Microsoft Excel and Google Sheets to help you avoid the most common mistakes:

Workflow automation

Workflow automation is the process of automating parts of your work. That could mean creating an event trigger that sends a notification when a system is updated. Or it could mean automating parts of the data cleaning process. As you can probably imagine, automating different parts of your work can save you tons of time, increase productivity, and give you more bandwidth to focus on other important aspects of the job. 

What can be automated?

Automation sounds amazing, doesn’t it? But as convenient as it is, there are still some parts of the job that can’t be automated. Let’s take a look at some things we can automate and some things that we can’t.

TaskCan it be automated?Why?
Communicating with your team and stakeholdersNoCommunication is key to understanding the needs of your team and stakeholders as you complete the tasks you are working on. There is no replacement for person-to-person communications. 
Presenting your findingsNoPresenting your data is a big part of your job as a data analyst. Making data accessible and understandable to stakeholders and creating data visualizations can’t be automated for the same reasons that communications can’t be automated.
Preparing and cleaning dataPartially Some tasks in data preparation and cleaning can be automated by setting up specific processes, like using a programming script to automatically detect missing values.  
Data exploration PartiallySometimes the best way to understand data is to see it. Luckily, there are plenty of tools available that can help automate the process of visualizing data. These tools can speed up the process of visualizing and understanding the data, but the exploration itself still needs to be done by a data analyst.
Modeling the dataYesData modeling is a difficult process that involves lots of different factors; luckily there are tools that can completely automate the different stages.  

More about automating data cleaning

One of the most important ways you can streamline your data cleaning is to clean data where it lives. This will benefit your whole team, and it also means you don’t have to repeat the process over and over. For example, you could create a programming script that counted the number of words in each spreadsheet file stored in a specific folder. Using tools that can be used where your data is stored means that you don’t have to repeat your cleaning steps, saving you and your team time and energy. 

More resources

There are a lot of tools out there that can help automate your processes, and those tools are improving all the time. Here are a few articles or blogs you can check out if you want to learn more about workflow automation and the different tools out there for you to use: 

Develop your approach to cleaning data

As you continue on your data journey, you’re likely discovering that data is often messy—and you can expect raw, primary data to be imperfect. In this reading, you’ll consider how to develop your personal approach to cleaning data. You will explore the idea of a cleaning checklist, which you can use to guide your cleaning process. Then, you’ll define your preferred methods for cleaning data. By the time you complete this reading, you’ll have a better understanding of how to methodically approach the data cleaning process. This will save you time when cleaning data and help you ensure that your data is clean and usable.

Consider your approach to cleaning data

Data cleaning usually requires a lot of time, energy, and attention. But there are two steps you can take before you begin to help streamline your process: creating a cleaning checklist and deciding on your preferred methods. This will help ensure that you know exactly how you want to approach data cleaning and what you need to do to be confident in the integrity of your data.

Your cleaning checklist

Start developing your personal approach to cleaning data by creating a checklist to help you identify problems in your data efficiently and identify the scale and scope of your dataset. Think of this checklist as your default “what to search for” list.

Here are some examples of common data cleaning tasks you could include in your checklist:

  • Determine the size of the dataset: Large datasets may have more data quality issues and take longer to process. This may impact your choice of data cleaning techniques and how much time to allocate to the project.
  • Determine the number of categories or labels: By understanding the number and nature of categories and labels in a dataset, you can better understand the diversity of the dataset. This understanding also helps inform data merging and migration strategies.
  • Identify missing data: Recognizing missing data helps you understand data quality so you can take appropriate steps to remediate the problem. Data integrity is important for accurate and unbiased analysis.
  • Identify unformatted data: Identifying improperly or inconsistently formatted data helps analysts ensure data uniformity. This is essential for accurate analysis and visualization.
  • Explore the different data types: Understanding the types of data in your dataset (for instance, numerical, categorical, text) helps you select appropriate cleaning methods and apply relevant data analysis techniques.

There might be other data cleaning tasks you’ve been learning about that you also want to prioritize in your checklist. Your checklist is an opportunity for you to define exactly what you want to remember about cleaning your data; feel free to make it your own.

Your preferred cleaning methods

In addition to creating a checklist, identify which actions or tools you prefer using when cleaning data. You’ll use these tools and techniques with each new dataset—or whenever you encounter issues in a dataset—so this list should be compatible with your checklist.

For example, suppose you have a large dataset with missing data. You’ll want to know how to check for missing data in larger datasets, and how you plan to handle any missing data, before you start cleaning. Outlining your preferred methods can save you lots of time and energy.

Glossary terms from module 2

Terms and definitions for Course 4, Module 2

Clean data: Data that is complete, correct, and relevant to the problem being solved

Compatibility: How well two or more datasets are able to work together

CONCATENATE: A spreadsheet function that joins together two or more text strings

Conditional formatting: A spreadsheet tool that changes how cells appear when values meet specific conditions

Data engineer: A professional who transforms data into a useful format for analysis and gives it a reliable infrastructure

Data mapping: The process of matching fields from one data source to another

Data merging: The process of combining two or more datasets into a single dataset

Data validation: A tool for checking the accuracy and quality of data

Data warehousing specialist: A professional who develops processes and procedures to effectively store and organize data

Delimiter: A character that indicates the beginning or end of a data item

Dirty data: Data that is incomplete, incorrect, or irrelevant to the problem to be solved

Duplicate data: Any record that inadvertently shares data with another record

Field length: A tool for determining how many characters can be keyed into a spreadsheet field

Incomplete data: Data that is missing important fields

Inconsistent data: Data that uses different formats to represent the same thing

Incorrect/inaccurate data: Data that is complete but inaccurate

LEFT: A function that returns a set number of characters from the left side of a text string 

LEN: A function that returns the length of a text string by counting the number of characters it contains

Length: The number of characters in a text string

Merger: An agreement that unites two organizations into a single new one

MID: A function that returns a segment from the middle of a text string

Null: An indication that a value does not exist in a dataset

Outdated data: Any data that has been superseded by newer and more accurate information

Remove duplicates: A spreadsheet tool that automatically searches for and eliminates duplicate entries from a spreadsheet

Split: A function that divides text around a specified character and puts each fragment into a new, separate cell

Substring: A smaller subset of a text string

Text string: A group of characters within a cell, most often composed of letters

TRIM: A function that removes leading, trailing, and repeated spaces in data

Unique: A value that can’t have a duplicate

Series Navigation<< Course 4: Process Data from Dirty to Clean, Module 1: The importance of integrityCourse 4: Process Data from Dirty to Clean, Module 3: SQL >>

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