graphical user interface
Data Analytics, Technical

Course 5: Analyse Data to Answer Questions,  Module 4: Perform Data Calculations

Calculations are a common task for data analysts. In this part of the course, you’ll explore formulas, functions, and pivot tables in spreadsheets and queries in SQL, all of which will help with your calculations. You’ll also learn about the benefits of using SQL to manage temporary tables. Learning Objectives Functions with multiple conditions Conditional functions and formulas perform calculations…

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graphical user interface
Technical, Data Analytics

Course 5: Analyse Data to Answer Questions, Module 3: Aggregate data for analysis

VLOOKUP core concepts Spreadsheet functions can be used to quickly find information and perform calculations using specific values. VLOOKUP, or Vertical Lookup, is one such function that vertically searches for a certain value in a column to return a corresponding piece of information. In this reading, you’ll examine the intricacies of this extremely useful function so you understand how it…

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Technical, Data Analytics

Course 3: Prepare Data For Exploration, Module 4: Organise and Secure Data

File organisation guidelines Every data analyst’s goal is to conduct efficient data analysis. One way to increase the efficiency of your analyses is to streamline processes that help save time and energy in the long run. Meaningful, logical, and consistent file names help data analysts organise their data and automate their analysis process. When you use consistent guidelines to describe…

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Technical, Data Analytics

Importance of asking SMART questions in Data Analysis

Creating SMART questions about your datasets is crucial for several reasons. SMART is an acronym that stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound. Here’s why each aspect is important and how these questions benefit your work as a data professional: Importance of Creating SMART Questions: Benefits of SMART Questions for Data Professionals: In summary, SMART questions help to create…

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